Wednesday, February 8, 2012

| Can I Have & Do It All, Please? | Chapter 5

In the true theme of this week's chapter, simplicity, this recap is going to be short, sweet and simple.

Do you have those days, or weeks, that blur into one another? I know I do! Do you put more pressure on yourself that anyone else does? (yep, hello!)  Do you feel so busy but don't feel like you're getting anywhere?  Well, maybe this chapter is just for you!

"Our lives are full of activity but with little forward motion or progress.  Inevitably, our friends, families, colleagues and often God, bear the brunt of our over committed lifestyles."
Christine Caine - pg 86

Ultimately, Jesus modelled the perfect example of simplicity when he summed up the Mosaic Laws into two simple commandments:
* Love GOD
* Love your neighbour

Simplifying isn't always easy, nor is it fun.  It means looking at your life through different eyes and being critical of what you do, why you do it and what type of reward it brings.

Don't get me wrong, its not really the quantity of things we're doing, but instead, its more the types of things we're doing.  Maybe you can ask yourself the following questions when you look at your commitments:

* what is the purpose behind this?
* how much time is it monopolizing?
* is it creating an eternal reward? 
* does it align with God's commandments?

Now we don't need to over spiritualize things, from a physical perspective maybe there are things you just need to let go of.  Do you colour coordinate you sock drawer or vacuum three times a day...well, maybe there's a bit of room there to simplify and free up some time for greater things.

Here are a few things Christine Caine suggests as a way to simplify and stay spiritually fit:

* Breathe
* Learn to Say NO
* Be Yourself
* Trust God 
* Let Go of the Past

Take courage, start simplifying and start enjoying life more!

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